Check Guarantee

Accept customer checks with confidence through Aliant’s Check Guarantee and Check Conversion solutions. We offer 100% guarantee against loss with approval.

  • No credit limits
  • Rarely gets stolen
  • Lower cost to process
  • Faster access to funds
  • Higher average sales tickets
  • 90% of shoppers have a checking account

Create a Connection

Fewer merchants accept checks, making those who do take this form of payment stand out above the competition. Customers who can write you a check feel a more personal connection with your business. The more comfortable they are with their purchasing power, the more likely they are to buy from you.

Embrace Your Demographics

Did you know that the adoption of newer electronic payment forms tends to decline with age? It’s true. A study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston shows that older adults are more likely to use traditional payment instruments than newer electronic ones. If you want to draw more sales from patrons over the age of 25, accept checks.

Accept Checks With Confidence

The perceived concern with insufficient funds is resolved with electronic check verification processing from Aliant. The more forms of payment you accept, the more options you give your customers to spend their money on your products and services.

To receive a custom quote and personal consultation from an Aliant representative, fill out the contact form to your right.